Property Management Blog

Portsmouth Property Management Pros on How to Avoid Household Clogs

KRS Holdings - Monday, February 29, 2016
  There are many aspects to proper rental maintenance to which you and your tenants should pay heed. Avoiding clogged drains, by following these simple tips, will save you a lot of trouble and effort in the future, not to mention a professional plumber's fees. Don't miss out on this great advice from the Portsmouth property management professionals.   First off, ask your tenants to use drain screens. Cheap and available at many markets and hardware stores, drain screens will prevent unwanted debris from entering your property's sewage system. This is especially beneficial in the bathroom where hair and soap scum are major clog culprits. Also, make sure your tenants know not to pour grease down the drain. Once the grease solidifies, it will clog your pipes and create a backup. Solidified grease will also collect other debris, making a bad clog worse. Use a can or other receptacle for your grease and dispose of it responsibly. Ask you tenants to clean the sink stoppers frequently, and make sure you clean them thoroughly between tenants. Pop-up stoppers in sinks and bathtubs will frequently collect hair and other build-up, which will cause drain blockage.   Additionally, request that your tenants not pour chemicals down the drain. Even chemicals designed to clear clogs should be used sparingly, as they can corrode many kinds of pipes and may make your problems worse. Request that your tenants periodically clean the overflow plate in the bathtub as well. An often-forgotten area, the spring and rocker arm of the tub's overflow plate can accumulate hair and debris, which causes clogs. Remove the overflow plate every few months to remove any build-up, rinse in warm water, and put back in place.