Property Management Blog

Tenant Selection Guarantee with Property Management Chesapeake VA

KRS Holdings - Monday, February 29, 2016

There are many property management Chesapeake VA companies which give landlords and property owners a 'tenant selection guarantee'. This guarantee covers the likelihood of the tenant breaching his contract. In short, the company covers the application costs as well as the time that may be required for court preparation in such cases.   Naturally, such tenant guarantees do not cover matters caused by inaction of the landlords/property owners. Additionally, it does not cover the cost of debt recovery, court fees related to collections, legal fees pertaining to cases where legal councils may be engaged as well as advertising and credit checking of new tenants.   Naturally, as a property owner, you need to address the biggest concern of tenants which is maintenance. Property management companies urge landlords to handle all the maintenance issues related to the property and failure to comply with the same can even result in tenants issuing notices. This may even result in landlords having to pay compensation to tenants. Hence property owners are urged to have such maintenance covered in a timely manner.   Many property management companies also provide independent contractors for the purpose of maintenance and repairs on the property. This way, landlords do not have to deal with finding reliable servicemen and repair technicians. The tenant selection guarantee also ensures suitable tenants for the property.